Welcome Message

Prayer, Witness and Service

Welcome to the website for the Waterside Group of Churches (Benefice), we are a group of church communities committed to following Jesus and sharing his love in the heart of the Norfolk Broads.

Our three parish churches are All Saints', Catfield, St. Catherine’s, Ludham and St. Nicholas, Potter Heigham. A warm welcome can be found at all of our churches, we look forward to greeting new visitors and old friends alike.

The three churches of the Waterside Benefice are committed to providing a welcome to all members of the community and our many visitors. We do this through prayer, visible witness and practical involvement in our individual parishes and in our community.

The Waterside Group has a deep desire to show the Grace of God in its community, guided by the example of Jesus Christ.

The Reverend Gary Noyes
Vicar of the Waterside Benefice


The Churches of the Waterside Group Benefice

All Saints, Catfield

All Saints, Catfield

The church at Catfield was completely rebuilt in the 14th and 15th centuries, built in traditional Anglian flint and stone. The oldest part of the church is the 14th century west tower. In the tower is a first floor chamber used as a residence by the priest. It contains a fireplace and recessed stone cupboard, with light from four narrow lancet windows. Above the nave arcades are traces of wall paintings. One thought to have been painted around 1377 and shows Stephen kneeling in prayer, while two men throw stones. All Saints contains many more treasures click on the link below to discover more and to find out about our services.

St Catherine's, Ludham

St Catherine's, Ludham

St Catherine's church sits at the centre of the pretty village of Ludham. Its size and splendour is a reminder of Ludham's wealth in the heady days of the 14th and 15th centuries, when Norfolk thrived on the proceeds of the wool trade. The present church was begun in the 14th century, but only the striking west tower and the chancel date from this period. The nave was rebuilt in the 15th century in Perpendicular style and given a superb hammer-beam roof of oak. St. Catherine's contains many uniqe and interisting features click on the link below for more information about these and services and events held in the church.

St Nicholas, Potter Heigham

St Nicholas, Potter Heigham

Situated in a quiet spot amongst trees at the edge of the village. St Nicholas is one of Norfolks round tower churches, an early round tower rising over 10 meters has an embattled octagon belfry added around C14. Remarkable are the six tall Perpendicular clerestory windows on both north and south sides of the church topped by a neatly thatched roof. Inside can be found a striking brick font and many wall paintings the best are the Seven Works of Mercy in the south aisle. For more about these wall paintings and to find out about services click on the link below.

Worship in the
Waterside Group Benefice

sunday service


Churches in the Waterside Group are open for worship as follows:


Sunday 16 February
All Saints' Catfield joined by St Nicholas' Potter Heigham
Holy Communion / Baptism led by Re'v Gary Noyes at 10am
Ludham St Catherine's
Morning Prayer led by Stephen Pitkethley AWA at 10am

Sunday 23 February
St Nicholas' Potter Heigham joined by All Saints' Catfield
Holy Communion led by Rev’d Gary Noyes at 10am
St Catherine’s Ludham
Morning Prayer led by Christine Wall AWA at 10am
All Saints' Catfield
Evening Prayer and Bible Study led by Revd linda Shuker at 6pm


Sunday 2 March
All Saints' Catfield
Benefice Holy Communion, led by Re'v Gary Noyes at 10am

sunday service Wednesday 5 March Ash Wednesday
St Catherine’s Ludham Imposition of Ashes; Holy Communion led by Rev’d Gary Noyes and Judtith Gardiner LLM at 7pm

Thursday 6 March Sung Compline
St Catherine's Ludham led by the Choir at 7pm

Sunday 9 March
Ludham St Catherine's
Holy Communion led by Re'v Gary Noyes and Ros Bingham LLMT at 10am
All Saints' Catfield joined by St Nicholas' Potter Heigham
Morning Prayer led by Judith Gardiner LLM at 10am

Thursday 13 March Sung Compline
St Catherine's Ludham led by the Choir at 7pm

Sunday 16 March
All Saints' Catfield joined by St Nicholas' Potter Heigham
Holy Communion led by Rev’d Gary Noyes at 10am
St Catherine’s Ludham
Morning Prayer led by Lynda Savage AWA at 10am

Thursday 20 March Sung Compline
St Catherine's Ludham led by the Choir at 7pm

Sunday 23 March
St Nicholas' Potter Heigham joined by All Saints' Catfield
Holy Communion led by Rev’d Gary Noyes at 10am
St Catherine’s Ludham
Morning Prayer led by April Noyes AWA at 10am

Thursday 27 March Sung Compline
St Catherine's Ludham led by the Choir at 7pm

Sunday 30 March Mothering Sunday
St Catherine's Ludham joint service with Ludham Methodist Church
led by Revd Andrew King at 11am
All Saints' Catfield
Mothering Sunday Morning Prayer led by Revd Gary Noyes at 10am
St Nicholas' Potter Heigham
Morning Worship / Songs of Praise led by Judith Gardiner LLM at 10am
All Saints' Catfield
Evening Prayer and Bible Study led by Revd Linda Shuker at 6pm


Sunday 6 April - Passion Sunday - Benefice Holy Communion at St Catherines' Church Ludham
led by Revd Gary Noyes at 10am

Sunday 13 April - Palm Sunday Holy Communion at St Catherine's Ludham
led by The Rev’d Gary Noyes at 10am.
Morning Service at St Nicholas' Church Potter Heigham led by Judith Gardiner LLM at 10am.

Monday 14 April - Compline at All Saints Church Catfield
led by Judith Gardiner LLM and Ros Bingham LLMT at 7pm.

Tuesday 15 April - Compline at All Saints' Church Catfield
led by April Noyes at 7pm.

Wednesday 16 April - Compline at St Catherine's Church Ludham
led by Christine Wall AWA at 7pm.

Thursday 17 April - Maundy Thursday – Compline
St Catherine's Church Ludham, led by The Rev’d Gary Noyes at 7pm.

Friday 18 April - Good Friday - St Catherine's Church Ludham,
Walk of Witness & Benefice Hour at the Cross with Ludham Methodist Church led by The Rev’d Gary Noyes at 12 noon.
Procession departs Ludham Methodist Church at 11:45am

Saturday 19 April – Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil /Baptism /Confirmation – Norwich Cathedral at 8pm

Sunday 20 April – All Saints' Church Catfield

Holy Communion led by the Revd Gary Noyes at 10am
St Nicholas' Church Potter Heigham joined by Methodists
Holy Communion led by TBC at 10am
St Catherine's Church Ludham Holy Communion led by TBC at 10am

Sunday 27 April – St Nicholas' Church Potter Heigham
led by the Revd Linda Shuker / Rev TBC at 10am
St Catherine's Church Ludham Morning Prayer led by Stephen Pitkethly AWA at 10am


Upcoming and recent events in the Benefice


Save the Parish

A group called “Save the Parish” has recently been formed to more effectively voice the views and concerns of rural parishes such as ourselves in this very important debate.

Visit the “Save the Parish” website at savetheparish.com to find out more, or sign up as a supporter.




Churches in the Benefice are open for individual prayer and reflection during the week.

For more details visit the church's webpage using the tab at the top of this page.


Lighting a Candle for Prayer or in Remembrance.

If someone you knew has died recently or long ago, lighting a candle can often help us pause, pray and think of them for a few moments.

Lighting a candle can also be a way to help in prayer, or to ask for God's help, either for yourselves, a loved one, or someone you know is in difficulty and needing God's support.

Whatever is going on, make space to pray in your life.

If you are unable to get to Church you can Light a Virtual Candle

If you can't get to a church just now, you can still light a candle at home, or online on the Church of England website (link below). The process is simple. private and totally anonymous, there are no login, registration, or any other details asked for.


Services at Norwich Cathedral including those on YouTube

Follow this link to view details of Services coming up in Norwich Cathedral.

Follow this link for the Norwich Cathedral Services YouTube Channel.


The following link to the Church of England website offers links to prayer resources, guidance and further information.


Church of England
Facebook page

Follow the Church of England on its Facebook page to follow live services and events, and to receive regular prayer and guidance.


Join in a service of Daily Prayer

The following link to the Church of England website offers the opportunity to join in a service of Daily Prayer which is available in both contemporary and traditional forms and for all times of day.


Supporting good mental health

Given the challenging times we are living in with coronavirus, the Church of England have updated their booklet supporting good mental health with new reflections and new resources. They seek to provide hope, reassurance and comfort.

If you want to speak to someone, please visit the Mental Health Foundation website, which has lots of helpful resources and contacts. Visit the Mental Health Foundation website.


Church of England on your Smart speaker

Access the Church of England with your Smart speaker for prayers, explanations of the Christian faith, location-based information about local church events and services, and more.

To get started, just follow the instructions for your device below

"Alexa, open the Church of England"
"Hey Google, talk to the Church of England"



We are committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and ensuring their wellbeing.

If you have any concerns for a child or vulnerable adult then please contact :

All Saints, Catfield - Judith Gardiner - tel 01692 580391
St Catherine's, Ludham - Helen Middleton - tel 01692 678072
St Nicholas, Potter Heigham - Judith Gardiner - tel 01692 580391

As part of The Church of England, The Waterside Benefice, its clergy and leaders are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church.

‘The Church of England is called to share the good news of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ. The life of our communities and institutions is integral to how we address this task. The good news speaks of welcome for all, with a particular regard for those who are most vulnerable, into a community where the value and dignity of every human being is affirmed and those in positions of responsibility and authority are truly trustworthy. Being faithful to our call to share the gospel therefore compels us to take with the utmost seriousness the challenge of preventing abuse from happening and responding well where it has’.

From ‘Promoting a Safer Church’, The Church of England’s Safeguarding Policy Statement.

The Norwich Diocesan Safeguarding Team can be contacted on email safeguarding@dioceseofnorwich.org or on 01603 882345.

You can also use the following link to the Norwich Diocesan Safeguarding page containing more information and contact details.

You can also speak to the ChildLine helpline - call free on 0800 1111

or click on the link below to find out how they can help.


Waterside Message

Meandering Thoughts

It's the middle of January and the deadline for the village magazine is today, but my first priority with no frost and the temperature rising, is to wash my filthy car. I would definitely be the winner of the dirtiest car in the area competition! Why not take it to a car wash? I hear you shouting - but to be truthful, it is too dirty!

Bucket of hot water, a squirt of cleaner and I'm ready. Even the sparrows in the hedge were quiet for a moment or two and then they began to chirp loudly, were they laughing at my efforts? Was I the reason for their chattering? Thick mud covers all the side of my car, what colour is it meant to be I ask myself? Are some colours better than others? How on earth does my neighbour keep his car white? An answer jumps into my head, I have not seen him but he must pop out under the cover of darkness with a bucket! I smile to myself.

My mind wonders to the fact that some people can't even run a bucket of water,millions on our planet have no access to clean running water and what about those in our world who are starving?

The car begins to look better and then the sound of a jet plane overhead making a horrendous sound. What must it be like for children caught up in conflict? For them, they know what that sound means, yes, fear and memories that if they survive, will be with them for ever. Why are those intent on evil and self-gratification destroying our World?

Peace and quiet at last! I am reminded that we are all the same in God's eyes. Queen Elizabeth once said that everyone was our neighbour, no matter what race, creed or colour. Life can be like thick mud on a car and sometimes we might need to realise someone else can help us and as for those chirping sparrows, they are the people, they are all those that need their voices heard!

May God keep you safe and hold you in the palm of his hand.

Judith Gardiner Licenced Lay Minister


Weddings, Baptism and Funerals

It is our privilege to be involved in many of the significant moments of people's lives. Here at The Waterside Group of Churches we will do our best to guide you through what Christians mean by baptism, marriage and funerals.


Waterside Scratch Band

sratch band

Scratch Band is the church music group for the Waterside group of parishes. The band meets for practice, fellowship, fun and a tea break every Thursday evening at 7.30pm to 9.30pm usually in the Church Room, Ludham or in one of the Waterside parish churches.

We play for services in the Waterside benefice and beyond, supporting regular worship in the churches and outdoors. We also entertain at local events and go carol singing in pubs, care homes and anywhere else that will have us!

Scratch is open to all. A warm welcome awaits whether you sing, play an instrument, or would just like to listen.

David Frost mobile: 07907679630
Diana Rackham mobile: 07880943104
Email: dianarackham@hotmail.com



sratch band
Meets: Thursdays, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Ludham Church Room (Please check with a contact before coming, in case we are meeting elsewhere)

David Frost mobile: 07907679630
Diana Rackham mobile: 07880943104
Email: dianarackham@hotmail.com


Scratch Band is the church music group for the Waterside group of parishes. The band meets for practice, fellowship, fun and a tea break every Thursday evening at 7.30pm to 9.30pm usually in the Church Room, Ludham or in one of the Waterside parish churches.

We play for services in the Waterside benefice and beyond, supporting regular worship in the churches and outdoors. We also entertain at local events and go carol singing in pubs, care homes and anywhere else that will have us!

Scratch is open to all. A warm welcome awaits whether you sing, play an instrument, or would just like to listen.

New member Dianne comments:

Hello, we are the scratch band, a group of musicians and singers who provide music and support for the Waterside Benefice (Ludham, Catfield and Potter Heigham Churches). We were formed some 10 years ago to provide music when there was no organist in the churches. And so now we attend all Benefice services and other special services in the church calendar. This Christmas we sang carols at Stalham Christmas event, sung to the residents at The Old Vicarage, Ludham. We were also found singing carols in the The Crown Public House Catfield one of our more unusual venues. Our happy band could also be heard in all three churches over Christmas. The final feather in our cap was a spot on Radio Norfolk singing our own very special rendition of While Shepherds.

My name is Dianne, and I am one of the new members of the band. I enjoy singing but never felt brave enough to join a choir. So when the bands leader David Frost invited me to become a member of the Scratch Band and I went along in fear and trepidation but I can honestly say is the best decision I made. There’s music, laughter and fellowship at our weekly meetings and I now really hate to miss a meeting. I urge anyone who loves to sing or play and perhaps a little hesitant about joining to come and give us a try. There’s no audition. There is also a social side to our group and for Burns Night this year we had a haggis neeps and tatties supper followed by the traditional dessert of Cranach. The haggis was piped in by one of our musicians Ros Wilson and the address was given by another of our musicians Eilish. Once we had all enjoyed our supper we were treated to a very informative and enjoyable talk by Dr Zena Aldridge on “Dementia Awareness”. The whole evening was a huge success.

So having read all about us, I hope it’s whet your appetite and made you just a-bit curious about us THE SCRATCH BAND.


Ministry Team

The Reverend Gary Noyes
Vicar of the Waterside Benefice


01692 678842

Lynda Savage (Authorised Worship Assistant, Verger)


01692 678654

Lynda Savage (Authorised Worship Assistant, Verger)

Christine Wall (Authorised Worship Assistant)


Christine Wall (Authorised Worship Assistant)

Stephen Pitkethly (Authorised Worship Assistant)


Stephen Pitkethly (Authorised Worship Assistant)

Judith Gardiner (Licensed Lay Minister, Churchwarden All Saints' Catfield)


Judith Gardiner (Authorised Worship Assistant, Churchwarden All Saints Catfield)

How to reach us

For all enquiries please contact:

The Reverend Gary Noyes
Vicar of the Waterside Benefice